Five key takeaways for regulatory and investigative entities
The Australian Government Investigations Standards (AGIS) has recently been updated with significant changes to how investigation activity is managed. Of particular note were the changes around how digital evidence is managed.
Paper-filled binders and physical evidence are rare these days; most, if not all case evidence is handled electronically, to align with the digital transformation of many courtrooms.
Although the management of digital evidence is a key factor the 2022 AGIS aims to address, it's not the only one. To help you make sense of it, we've developed a guide that outlines the five key takeaways for regulatory and investigative entities:
1. Accountability - if investigative entities don't adhere to all legislative requirements, evidence is at risk of being mismanaged, which may render it inadmissible
2. Quality Assurance - transparency and the need to meet professional standards are crucial for decision-making and case management
3. Foundational competencies - there's a minimum level of competency when it comes to investigative work such as planning, conducting, organising, and analysing investigations, and all entities have to document how their processes meet - or exceed - that level
4. Managing digital evidence - as we've discussed, with the rise of digital transformation in court rooms, the effective management of digital evidence is essential
5. Electronic investigation management systems (EIMS) - to ensure all case and investigations remain secure and aligned with the 2022 AGIS, all entities must implement an EIMS